jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

08/07/2014: Chocolate Thursday

Dear Parents,

I apologize in advance for the sticky faces returning to you this evening, but I promise it was for a good cause!  The students did a fantastic job with whole class behavior this week, so they received incentives this afternoon of their group's choice (donuts, extra recess time, and ice cream were what each of the three different groups chose).  Hats off to them for the start of a good year!  Incentive parties will continue throughout the year, but they will become more challenging to earn as the year progresses.

Because of the special treats at the end of the day, we were a bit rushed on our way out the door.  I will take that into account with tonight's homework.  That being said, tonight's homework is the following:

HOMEWORK:  Finish typing their "Quilt" writing pieces on Google Drive, which was saved to their school gmail accounts as a class this afternoon.  The art component of the assignment is NOT due tomorrow; only the written portion is assigned for tonight.

I am also interested in hearing how the start of the year has been on the home end.  Please plan on joining me in the classroom at Open House on August 14th, and feel free to contact me beforehand via email (christine.hodges@ciplc.org) or by visiting the classroom beforehand.


Miss H.

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