viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Pecha Kucha Instructions and Rubric

Hi All,

Here you will find the Pecha Kucha project instructions and rubric in case you need it for this weekend.  The students should be wrapping it up since they had plenty of time to work in class, but if they had difficulty with the research or formatting section, then they may need the extra time.

Here are the files as a resource to you!

Have a fabulous weekend!


Miss H.

Pecha Kucha Instruction Sheet
1:  With your partners, use your graphic organizers and your iPads to create a Pecha Kucha presentation on Google Presentations.
2:  Include 20 slides that show on screen for 20 seconds each.  Each image should support a speaking point about your Venezuelan topic.
3:  In the presentation, you should include answers to the following questions:
·      What information did you learn about your topic?
·      How did your event or person impact Venezuela?
·      Why is it/he or she important to Venezuelan history?
4:  Write a script using the above questions to accompany your images.
5:  All information should be presented in chronological order, as reflected in the graphic organizer.
6:  Once your script and images are complete, practice presenting your presentation to your partner.  Refer to the rubric to review speaking points.
7:  Present your presentation.

Pecha Kucha Presentation Rubric:  Name_________________________

Exemplary (4 pts)
Accomplished (3 pts)
Developing (2  pts)
Beginning (1 pt)
Venezuelan Topic
Student gives a thorough and detailed analysis of the event/figure, fully illustrating how it impacted Venezuela.  Facts are all accurate.
Student analyzes the key issues and details but ignores major points.  Uses mostly accurate information.
Student gives a partial analysis and/or overlooks key issues that are connected to the central historical theme. Facts are mostly accurate.
Little or no attempt made to portray Venezuelan history.  Facts are inaccurate.
The Pecha Kucha was extremely organized and the ideas and images were in chronological order.
The Pecha Kucha was fairly organized and mostly in chronological order.
The Pecha Kucha was poorly organized and mostly in chronological order.
The Pecha Kucha was unorganized and difficult to follow. It was not in chronological order.
Visual Appeal and Creativity
The images/text chosen were appropriate and extremely thoughtful to the topic and conveyed the topic and its impact in an excellent manner.
The images/text chosen were appropriate and considered the topic in a thoughtful way to convey  history.
The presenter has used adequate quality visual images, but does not use a creative or interesting visual design to present Venezuelan history.
Visual images are poorly
chosen, OR the quality of the images is not legible.
Prep & Presentation of script
The presenter obviously prepared a compelling script, rehearsed, and demonstrated superior knowledge of their topic. 
The presenter obviously prepared a script, rehearsed, rehearsed, and demonstrated strong knowledge of the topic.
It appears the presenter prepared a mediocre script or did not rehearse enough.  The presenter demonstrated mediocre knowledge of the topic.
It appears that the presenter did not prepare a
script or did not rehearse, OR demonstrate knowledge of the topic.
Presentation Skills
Demonstrated outstanding presentation skills (pace/tone/volume, confidence/poise, gestures, eye contact, rapport with audience, use of presentation media, etc). The PK met the 20X20 time standards.
Demonstrated sound
presentation skills (pace/tone/volume, confidence/poise, gestures, eye contact, rapport with audience, use of presentation media, etc). The PK relatively met the 20X20 time standards.
Demonstrated fair presentation skills (pace/tone/volume, confidence/poise, gestures, eye contact, rapport with audience, use of presentation media, etc). The PK relatively met the 20X20 time standards.
Demonstrated poor presentation skills (pace/tone/volume, confidence/poise, gestures, eye contact, rapport with audience, use of presentation media, etc). The PK did not meet the 20X20 time standards.

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

Mental Math Day!

The fourth graders are busily creating Show me videos on how to solve mental math problems.  Check out our example by Valentina!

Think:  How can breaking apart numbers help you solve addition and subtraction problems mentally?

Here are some practice problems to tell a friend:

1:  121 + 347

2:  53 + 48

3:  26 + 64

4:  1,090 + 3,010

5:  5,790 + 4,200

Can you think of others to solve?

Happy Wednesday!

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Happy Monday!

Hi Fourth Grade,

Here's a quick review video on rounding, particularly to the nearest ten-thousands.  Be prepared to go over more example problems like this tomorrow.  

Remember that if you want your suggestion for what country we will represent during International Day to count, you MUST have your persuasive essay outline completed for class tomorrow.  I can't wait to hear strong, supportive arguments to help our class make this exciting decision!

Enjoy your evening!


Miss Hodges

viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

Happy Friday on Day 33!

Greetings, Parents and Students!

Thank you all for your hard work this week!  Here are a few action shots of the students working on their Pecha Kucha slides:  

Also, for your perusal, below are strategies for parents and students to use at home in order to improve reading and math skills:

Strategies for Parents and Students

Have a fabulous weekend and I'll see you on Monday!


Miss H.

jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

Productive with Pecha Kuchas!

Today the fourth graders began assembling their Pecha Kuchas for Venezuelan history.  Pecha Kuchas are presentations containing 20 images which are shown for 20 seconds each, accompanied by speaking points.  The entire PK lasts about 6 minutes.

Fourth graders prepared timeline information on various aspects of Venezuelan history such as Simon Bolivar, Colombus, Humboldt, etc., and are working away in groups to present high quality PKs to their learning community.

Here's a glimpse of Day 1 on the PK project:

Think About This:
When do you need to use lists to solve problems in real life?

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

Dot Day Video

Dot Day Video

Check out who has "made their mark" on the fourth graders!

Carnaval Update

Dear Parents and Students,

Miss Jezabel will soon be contacting you with information about Carnaval, which will be coming up in October.  Please begin thinking about what type of game you would like to hold at our booth, and how you are going to organize setting up, running it, and cleaning it up afterwards.  This PTO event is a fabulous way to partake in our vibrant CIPLC community, so let's get those ideas flowing!

Remember to turn in those historical fiction pieces!  In the meantime, check out these awesome book trailer examples....

Have a good evening,

Miss H. and Miss Jezabel


Hello, All!

We've had a successful and exciting week so far, between International Dot Day and an ALS presentation from the high school students.

Please check back SOON for a video of who has "made a mark" on each of the fourth graders:!


Please ensure that your child is completing at least 15 minutes of IXL math time every evening for part of their homework grade.  This week's topics are Place Value and Comparing Numbers, which can be find under the "Number Sense" topic and is listed as A.1 and A.9.

Happy Wednesday!

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

Author's Visit on Day 26!

Today, we met the author Margriet Ruurs!

Ms. Ruurs has written over 20 children's books and came to share her talents with us today.  First, she  presented information about the Yukon and her experiences in Canada with us since she knew we had read her book, Me and Martha Black.  Then she engaged the class in writing descriptives poems.  We can't wait to finish them tomorrow before we meet with her again!

Think about it:  What is "descriptive writing?"  How can we "show" instead of "tell?"

Here's your flipped classroom video to watch for tomorrow:  

1:  What is word form?
2:  What is one question that you have about place value or word form?
3:  What good test taking skills does Shaun practice in the video?

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

End of Week 5: On to Margriet Ruurs!

Thanks to everyone for a fantastic week!

We had a productive day in Fourth Grade today, analysing the aspects of Margriet Ruur's book Me and Martha Black to determine how we wanted to represent the novel by decorating our door for her upcoming visit.  

Check out our master piece below:

Have a wonderful three day weekend, and I'll see you next week as we welcome Ms. Ruurs into our classroom!

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

An Emphasis on Sportsmanship


Let's review the importance of sportsmanship, especially during soccer games.  

Think about it:

1:  What does it mean to have good sportsmanship?
2:  How can you demonstrate good sportsmanship during recesses, practices, and games?
3:  What do you do if someone else is not demonstrating proper sportsmanship?

Check this inspirational link out:
9 Great Moments of Sportsmanship
What makes these moments so great?

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Dot Day Song!

September 15th is International Dot Day!  

What can you do to make a difference in your world?  

Fourth Grade will be participating in this worldwide event and delving into how WE can make our mark on the world.

Talk about it with your families and friends, and get going to make YOUR mark, each and every day!

Here's the song we'll be learning next week in preparation:



Hello, Fourth Graders and Parents!

Chilli Cookoff is just around the bend on September 11th at lunch time! I'll be notifying the room moms about our class participation.  In the meantime, here's a bit of history about chilli...

Do you believe that this is truly the history of chilli?  Why or why not?  Tell me in your journal!  Tomorrow, be ready to research the history of chilli yourselves!

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

Tables, Authors, and iPads

Hello, Fourth Grade!

Above is an EXCELLENT recap of what we learned in math today. (Instead of a monster though, this teacher refers to the function tables as "machines!")

I was so appreciative of your enthusiasm to voluntarily research more information for your historical fiction pieces.  Props to you!  Margriet Ruurs is going to be blow away when she comes to visit us!
Speaking of Ruurs, click here to visit her website!  She comes in just one week.  WOOHOO!

I'm so glad we have the iPads in our classroom now, and look forward to viewing your creations with them throughout the year.  The sky is the limit, so long as you remember our favorite word!

Thanks for a fantastic 21st day of school!


Miss H.