viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Thursday Folders Replacement

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Please look for a new folder and a notice in your child's backpack today!

The elementary team is excited to announce that we are implementing daily communication with you via a daily folder, as we believe this will be much more conducive to student success and parent-teacher communication.

Each night, please check your child's daily folder.  Then, initial their planner at the bottom of each day's column to signify that you have checked their planner and folder for daily homework, teacher notes, and returned work.

Please feel free to send any notes to teachers through the planner and folder as well!

Thanks so much in your flexibility and support in this change,

Miss Hodges and Miss Jezabel

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

Day 19 of 4th grade!


By now, the fourth graders should be responsible enough to have recorded their homework in their planners and have taken all materials home.  Parents, please double-check that their homework was recorded this evening, and that either my or Miss Jezabel have signed off that the assignments were written down correctly.

Today we continued writing our historical fiction pieces, and conducted research for our Venezuelan timeline.

We also began a math unit on math patterns.  Check out this video for extra support at home!

miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

Day 18

Hi All,

Today we continued planning historical fiction pieces, and I am SO excited to see how they turn out!  The kids are planning their own original stories considering the Wright brothers, MLK, ancestors, and  more!


Spelling: pg. 20
Writing:  Look up the answers to more two questions about a historical fact or figure
Matah:  100s chart multiples of 6-9

martes, 26 de agosto de 2014

Day 17!

Hello Students and Parents,

There is some sort of bug going around, so please be sure to keep yourselves healthy by washing your hands, keeping your hands away from your face, and getting plenty of rest!

Today we broke into groups to determine what we would study for Venezuelan history, took a math test, and began reading a new chapter book by our upcoming visiting author, Margriet Ruurs.  The book is titled Me and Martha Black, and is a historical fiction piece.  Soon, we will be writing our own historical fiction stories!

Today's Homework:
Spelling: pg. 19
Math:  100s chart, multiples of 6-9
Writing:  List three facts about a historical topic or person.

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

Welcome to Week 4!

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome back from the weekend!

Today was exciting because we began talking about Venezuelan history.

What do YOU know about Venezuela?!

Spelling: pg. 18
Math:  1-10 worksheet (both sides)

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014


Greetings Geckos,

Thank you all for a marvelous week!  Lots of learning occurred:  we continued building our reading and writing communities, began another spelling unit, delved into division, and concluded a unit on length as a measurement for science.

A BIG shout-out goes to all of my students and their incredible parents whom I have the pleasure of working with this year.  I so enjoyed spending my birthday with you all, and am thankful for such a warm, welcoming, and thoughtful community.  I couldn't ask for any better birthday wish!

Math worksheet 1-9 (reteach and practice OR enrichment sheet)

Last note of the week:  Please talk to your children about sportsmanship; particularly on the soccer field.  It is important for all Geckos to be respectful, responsible, and safe in order for the community as a whole to enjoy the game.

Have a relaxing weekend, and I'll see you on Monday!


Miss H.

jueves, 21 de agosto de 2014

Day 14!

Hello Fourth Grade Community!

Today we had a great day learning about Schoology, the online classroom component for 4th grade.  The students are all able to access the site at home now with the password Ciplc2014! and their usernames.  They may do so only if interested as there is no attached homework assignment to it at this time.  Again, I will be sure to notify you on this blog if there is any necessary work for students to complete on Schoology.

Tomorrow is a P.E. day, so remember your P.E. uniforms and shoes!

For tomorrow's HOMEWORK:

Study spelling (Test tomorrow!) and complete pages 16-17

Math:  100s sheet with  numbers 7,8,9, and 11

Science:  *Bring in any sort of measurement tool that is used at home. These will be returned Friday evening!

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

Day 13 is in the books!

Dear Students and Parents,

Thanks for a fabulous day!  Today was my 26th birthday, and you, the students, made my day so special.  I am so fortunate to be able to spend this next year with such thoughtful, kind-hearted, and inquisitive individuals.  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Today we continued learning about division and the rules about dividing by 0 and 1.  We also read nonfictional narratives an began writing our own pieces of the same genre.

And now, down to business....

*PLEASE remember to put your names on your homework!  You lose a point if your name is not on your paper, so remember:  "I write my name every time, nice and neat to show it's mine!"

Spelling:  pg. 15
Math:  1-8 worksheet and 100s chart of multiples 9-12

martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

Day 12

Greetings to All!

Today the fourth grade began studying inverse operations for multiplication and division in math, had their first class meeting in reading, and began to study nonfictional narratives in writing.  We also discussed the process for spelling and vocabulary during word work, estimated and measured lengths in science, and completed our first fire drill.  Woohoo!

Spelling:  Finish pg. 14
Math:  1-7 worksheet AND 100s Multiplication Chart, multiples 5-8 unless directed otherwise
Science:  Finish measurement chart

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

Day 11

Hello, Students and Parents!

Welcome to week 3.  I hope this Monday has found you all happy and healthy.  Please remember to drink plenty of water and to wash your hands, as it seems there are a few minor bugs going around school.

Today the class had their first MAPS test of the year.  They all did well in the reading section, and I was pleased to see that there was very little drop in their scores compared to last spring.  Wonderful job, fourth graders!

After lunch, the class went outside to practice estimating and measuring items in meters and centimeters.  We are about done with our measurement unit in length!

Homework for Today:

Math:  Worksheet 1-6
Science:  Finish meter stick (if not completed) and complete "How Long is it?" worksheet

viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

Happy Friday!

Hello Students and Parents,

Happy Friday!

First of all, I want to give a big THANK YOU to all who attended Open House last night.  It was a pleasure to meet you all, and I look forward to working with you throughout the year!

Today the fourth grade took their first math quiz and spelling test, learned about identifying patterns to solve math problems, and wrote Warm Fuzzies to Rosario for her Student of the Week booklet.  They also have their first Friday with both P.E. and library at the regularly scheduled times.  What a great start to the weekend!

Have a wonderful two days, and I'll see you on Monday!


Miss H.

Math worksheets 1-5

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

Daily Run-down

Greetings, Students and Parents!

We had an eventful day today in Fourth Grade.  We began to learn about the distributive property in math, discussed making text-to-self connections in reading, and began voracious writing.

We also began our initial trek on utilizing Schoology as an online learning tool.  (Stay tuned for upcoming informational videos on how to access Schoology as both a student and a parent!)  Please note that if Schoology is needed for assignments at home, then it will be posted right here on the classroom blog so that everyone is aware of the procedure.  Otherwise, all homework will be through the blog and the resources will be on the classroom website!

And now for the big news....Parents, tonight is OPEN HOUSE!  I hope to see you all at the school at 5:00 and look forward to meeting you.  I have truly enjoyed getting to know your children, and because they are as wonderful as they are, I'm sure they come from incredible families!  Please attend and allow me to introduce myself to you, as well as to provide an overview of the school year ahead.


Miss H.

Tonight's Homework:

Math 1-4 Worksheet
Spelling:  Study for tomorrow's test!

miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2014

August 13, 2014

Dear Parents,

I apologize for the absence of a post last night.  Luckily, everyone was responsible and turned their homework in anyways, so kudos to the fourth graders for being on top of their game!

We are busy preparing for Open House here at school.  Please join us tomorrow at 5:00 to meet with Miss Jezabel and me, and to learn all about your child's fourth grade experience.  I'm looking forward to meeting you!

Tonight's Homework:
Math: 1-3 worksheet
Study for Spelling (the test is on Friday!)

lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014

Welcome to the 2nd Week!

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the 2nd week of school!  We had an eventful day and began formal math, reading, and writing lessons.

In math we are beginning with multiplication and division, and are starting to build our reading and writing communities for language arts.

Homework:  Math worksheet 1-1 (whichever side is not crossed out for you).
*Our first spelling test is this Friday!  Please visit the classroom website to see the list, and start studying!

*Please remember that fourth graders are expected to engage in 20 minutes of reading per day.

There are several students who have not completed it and have already lost 10% from their final project grade.  Please ensure that you turn it in tomorrow if you have not done so.  We want to ensure that your artwork is included for Open House!

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014

Hello All!

I can't believe we're already done with our first week.  It flew by!

Today was a half day during which the fourth graders began morning meetings, went to library and P.E. for the first time, organized their book bins, and wrote their first "Warm Fuzzies" book for the student of the week.  Thanks for a magnificent start to the year!

Homework:  Finish the art piece for the Diversity Quilt

Looking forward to the week ahead:

  • Next week we will begin formal academic lessons.  Be ready for higher levels of thinking! :)  
  • Open House night for parents is on Thursday, August 14th from 5:00 to 7:00.  
  • Rosario is our Student Of The Week.
  • Please remember P.E. gear on Wednesdays and Fridays, and dress code-appropriate attire for all days!

Until then, have a FANTASTIC weekend!


Miss H.

jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

08/07/2014: Chocolate Thursday

Dear Parents,

I apologize in advance for the sticky faces returning to you this evening, but I promise it was for a good cause!  The students did a fantastic job with whole class behavior this week, so they received incentives this afternoon of their group's choice (donuts, extra recess time, and ice cream were what each of the three different groups chose).  Hats off to them for the start of a good year!  Incentive parties will continue throughout the year, but they will become more challenging to earn as the year progresses.

Because of the special treats at the end of the day, we were a bit rushed on our way out the door.  I will take that into account with tonight's homework.  That being said, tonight's homework is the following:

HOMEWORK:  Finish typing their "Quilt" writing pieces on Google Drive, which was saved to their school gmail accounts as a class this afternoon.  The art component of the assignment is NOT due tomorrow; only the written portion is assigned for tonight.

I am also interested in hearing how the start of the year has been on the home end.  Please plan on joining me in the classroom at Open House on August 14th, and feel free to contact me beforehand via email ( or by visiting the classroom beforehand.


Miss H.

miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2014

August 6th, 2014: Half way through the first week!


Fourth grade is rolling right along!  Yesterday all three "dens" of students (groups of students who sit together at tables) earned a rewards party, so tonight I will pick up some treats and tomorrow the class will indulge in donuts, ice cream, or extra recess.  Hats off to you for good behavior, Fourth Grade!

Today we engaged in a gallery walk during which students showcased their "The ______ Times" homework assignments and discussed what it means to do their best work.

The class also met Ms. Hatch, the guidance counselor, and began working on a "Diversity Quilt" which will displayed to parents at Open House.

Today was the first day for P.E., so everyone was excited about that!

Thanks to everyone for making this a wonderful week so far.

DAILY HOMEWORK:  In your writer's notebook, please tell Miss Hodges and Miss Jezabel what you want them to know about you.  *Please note that there is no length expectation/page limit on this assignment.  Rather, it is preferred for students to write naturally and to let their ideas flow so that we as teachers can gage their writing abilities at the start of this year.

martes, 5 de agosto de 2014

Second Day = COMPLETE!

Good afternoon, Students and Parents!

Today was an eventful second day in 4th grade.  We finished building our community agreements, began our "Diversity Quilt" class project, and enjoyed our first day of art!  We also discussed what it means to "Do Our Best."  This includes trying our hardest, believing in ourselves, never quitting, and doing careful and creative work.


  • Revisit yesterday's homework assignment and revise it to do your "Best Work."
Have a wonderful evening!


Miss H.

lunes, 4 de agosto de 2014

The School Year Has BEGUN!

Greetings, Parents and Students!

Today was a wonderful first day in fourth grade.  We got to know each other, went over classroom expectations, and discussed the importance of believing in ourselves.  Tomorrow we will continue to build our community spirit and procedural knowledge.  Thank you for preparing all of your children with open minds, supplies, and the willingness to learn!

TONIGHT'S HOMEWORK:  Complete the "The _________Times" Poster as a way for the rest of the class to get to know your child.  

Remember, homework should take right around 40 minutes for your child to complete.  I am always accessible to you by classroom, phone, and email.  Enjoy your evening!

-Miss H.