martes, 28 de octubre de 2014


Dear Parents,

I'm looking forward to meeting with you tomorrow!  Please bring your students with you so that we can go over their goals for the year altogether.

Please contact Jenny at if you are unable to attend at your scheduled time.

I'll see you all tomorrow!  I look forward to a productive day!


Miss H.

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Hello, Everyone!

It was great seeing so many of you at Fall Carnival on Saturday night.  Thanks so much for your continuous support of the students here at CIPLC!

Remember, parent-teacher conferences will be held on WEDNESDAY from 8:00-4:00.  Parents, please be sure to contact Jenny if your allotted time does not work so that we can reschedule.  Also, please remember that these conferences will be student-led, so your fourth grader should attend the meeting with you.

Happy Monday!

Miss Hodges

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014


Dear Parents,

CIPLC report cards will be sent home TOMORROW, OCTOBER 24.  Please look for them in your child's daily folder.

Have a pleasant evening,

Miss H.


Happy Thursday!

Here's a "Think About It:"

How can breaking big goals down into smaller ones help you to achieve them?
Talk about it with your family!

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

Conference Prep


Today, all students should have received feedback on their quarter reflections, as well as on their persuasive essays.  This is their last chance to make revisions based upon the feedback I've given you, so please use the time wisely!  (Remember, this will be part of your presentation at parent-teacher conferences next week!)

Parents, please feel free to share examples of your own personal, social, and academic goals with your parents since we will begin discussing them in class.

Have a great evening,

Miss Hodges

martes, 21 de octubre de 2014

Quarter Reflections and Persuasive Essays, Continued

Hi, Everyone!

Please note that all drafts of both the persuasive essays and the quarter reflections were due today, and that your assignments for tonight are to edit the papers.


*If you see that I have made suggestions, please be sure to read through them rather than to simply "accept" them.  Some of the suggestions I've made are comments telling you how to fix things rather than me fixing your sentences for you.  It's your job to go back through your work and think critically about how you can improve it!

Please refer to prior blog posts if you have any further questions, since the posted examples may be able to help you.


  • Saturday, Oct. 25th, from 4:00-8:00, is Fall Carnival!  Get excited for fun and games!
  • Wednesday, Oct. 29th are parent-teacher conferences.  Students are expected to attend and lead their conferences in 4th grade.  I'm looking forward to meeting with all of you!
  • Friday, Oct. 31st is Fall Spirit Day!  Students and staff are welcome to wear orange, purple, and/or black to school
Have a wonderful evening!


Miss Hodges

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Quarter Reflection Homework

Good afternoon!

As we discussed in class, your assignment for tonight is to finish your drafts for your quarter reflections.  (Your persuasive essay is also due from yesterday!)

See the following links for the directions and the prompt questions:

  • All questions must be completed and shared on Google Drive with both Ms. Jezabel and myself.
  • Be sure to add details to your answers.  For example, if you say that one thing you like about your assignment is that you used "money" words in your writing, then list a few of the "money" words that you wrote in your story.

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Transferring the Persuasive Organizer to a Draft

Hi, Fourth Grade!

As we discussed this morning, your assignment for the weekend is to transfer your persuasive organiser to draft form.

On Wednesday, you completed the persuasive map.  Here's my EXAMPLE.  Remember that all of your reasons must support your position, and all of your examples/details must support your reasons.

On Thursday, you transferred your persuasive map to a graphic organizer.  Here is my EXAMPLE.  As we discussed during morning meeting, you are simply rewriting your ideas so that they are in sentences and resemble more of a paragraph format.  Remember to write conclusion statements by saying your main idea (position) and reasons again, but using different words.

Your Friday homework assignment is to use your graphic organizer to draft a persuasive essay, such as how I did in this EXAMPLE.  Basically, you're just rewriting your graphic organizer out using complete sentences on either a piece of paper or in a Google Doc.  Please remember to share the Doc with me if you choose to type your draft! Note that the introduction, each reason, and the conclusion are their own paragraphs, so you should turn in a five-paragraph essay!

Next week, we will begin to add in transitions and money words while we revise and edit.  If you have any changes that you would like to make in the meantime, feel free.

Have a WONDERFUL weekend, and I'll see you bright and early on Monday!


Miss H.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Persuasive Organizer (Homework Assignment)

Greetings, Fourth Graders!

Tonight you were assigned a persuasive organiser to complete using your persuasive maps that you completed yesterday.

Basically, what you're doing is writing the same information that's on your map in a different format on your organiser.  You're making your position, reasons, and supporting statements look more like an essay.  I hope that the directions and examples were clear this afternoon, but just in case you need a reminder for how to complete the assignment HERE is the direction's page.

Have a wonderful evening and I'll see you tomorrow!


Miss Hodges

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014

Welcome Back!

Hello, All!

Welcome back to class!  I hope you all had a fabulous fall break.  From what we shared in morning meeting today, it sounds as though everyone had a good week.

In reading, we have begun studying text features for expository (informational) texts.  Students, please point out any text features that you can to your parents, and remember to use them in order to help you comprehend what you read.

Pecha Kucha redos will be done this week during morning meetings. If your group has not already presented twice, be ready to present an improved presentation to the class!


Miss H.

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Happy Break After Day 42!

Hello, Everyone,

Wow, quarter one is drawing to a close! The fourth graders have been busy creating book trailers, Pecha Kucha presentations, math demo videos, and persuasive essay outlines.

Here are some action shots from this week:

With only one week after fall break before it's over, quarter two is fast upon us.  Students will soon be setting goals and action plans to take their learning to the next level, and will prepare to share them with parents at conferences.

Here are some quick dates for you to know:

  • Oct. 13th:  Return to school from fall break
  • Oct. 17th:  End of quarter
  • Oct. 23rd:  Report cards go home
  • Oct. 29th:  Parent Teacher Conferences

I wish you all a relaxing and rejuvenating break!


Miss Hodges

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

4th Grade Happenings....


Here's a peek at what 4th grade has been up to lately:
This week's activities have included Pecha Kucha presentations about Venezuela, art, and Book Trailer presentations.  These will be followed by a Skype session tomorrow to practice supportive statements!

*Please remember that from now on, it will be fourth grade's homework to share a fact about France on Google every night, and to share that fact with a classmate the following morning as we prepare for International Day.


Miss H.